The Ar Rihla Foundation invites you to a seminar dealing with the science of interpretation of Qur’aan. This often misunderstood and greatly unappreciated science is built upon an intricate superstructure of Islamic knowledge.
Mastery of many sciences and branches of knowledge are required before one may interpret the verses and commands of the Noble Qur’aan. A golden chain of knowledge exists which links us to the Noble Prophet Muhammad SalAllahu alaihi wa Sallam and it is imperative that every single Muslim become acquainted with the functions of true knowledge in Islam.
The dawning of the “modern” age has seen a growing number of individuals calling for a re-interpretation of Qur’aan. There are many who claim that the Qur’aanic interpretations existing currently are either out of date, out of context or either just totally irrelevant and incompatible with “modern” society.
Due to the Qur’aan being the actual spoken Word of Allah Ta’ala it is of utmost importance to realise the gravity of the concept of interpretation. Many are those who, due to interpreting the Qur’aan according to their own belief-systems and/or opinions without sound knowledge, found themselves without Imaan.
The seminar shall Insha Allah deal with the following aspects:
* Interpretation of Qur’aan in the time of Nabi Muhammad SallAlahu alaihi wa Sallam
* The Qur’aan as a source of Sharia (Islamic Law)
* Methods of Interpretation
* Qualifications of an Interpreter of Qur’aan
* True & Authentic Interpretation of Qur’aan
* Sciences involved in Qur’aanic Interpretation
* The implications of interpreting Qur’aan without proper mastery of the Qur’aan sciences
* The honour of Qur’aan and the role you can play in upholding the true message of Qur’aan
* How to further your knowledge of Qur’aan and build a lasting relationship with the Word of Allah Ta’ala
This seminar is totally FREE OF CHARGE and is open to all. Registration is essential in order to facilitate seating etc.Please note that one(1) registration form per person must be submitted.
Venue: WITS UNIVERSITY (Venue details supplied on registration)
Date: 1 August 2010
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Required Material (Optional): Notebook/Writing material for notes/observations
Register at