Alkauthar Institute Presents : Mercy to the Worlds , by Sheik Tariq Appleby
Date : 13th and 14th March 2010
Time : 8:00 – 19:00
Wits Medical School , Parktown
Contact : or 082 740 8021 for more details
“Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger from amongst yourselves. It grieves him that you should receive any difficulty. He is anxious over you, for the believers full of compassion, kindness, and mercy.” [At-Tawbah:128]
AlHasan alBasri said: I heard once that a tree cried from missing the Prophet. Are not then, a people who say that they love the Prophet, more worthy of crying from missing him?
And Anas radiallahu anhu used to say: “Wallahi I see the Prophet in my dreams every night… Except the odd nights.” Then he would fall down crying begging Allah to allow him to see his beloved even on the odd nights.
Welcome to the first in the series of indept courses on the life of the greatest man that ever lived. Join us as we relive the moments of his life in Makkah from before prophethood to after it and share with our beloved Prophet his times of joy and sorrow. The Mercy to the Worlds is unique in its teaching of Seerah, because it emphasises:
•Authenticity to the highest degree from the works of some of the best muhaqiqeen such as Ibn Hajr rahimahullah.
•Encourages passionate discourse about the effect of each of the major incidents of the Prophet’s life and how we can use it as a springboard to giving dawah.
•Encourages critical analysis of the series of events and attempts to draw the maximum benefit from each.
•Attempts to paint a complete picture of the life of the Prophet from all facets.
•Is filled with the most amazing details and benefits gathered from the largest sources of seerah available.
“For me, the study of the seerah was a labour of love. I can’t wait to share the joy of studying seerah with my friends.” [Quote from a student of Knowledge]
“Its like walking with the Prophet, talking to the Prophet, crying with him, laughing with him. I have never experienced a joy greater than studying about my beloved Prophet.” [Quote from a student of Knowledge]
The believers will meet their Prophet at the pond of alKauthar on the plains of resurrection – is it not then appropriate that you study about him at alKauthar as well?
Who is this course for?
•Every Muslim who dearly loves his/her Prophet and wants to learn about his seerah in greater detail
•For every daee who wishes to use the seerah as a platform for dawah
•For the student of the life of the Prophet who wishes to understand the most authentic information available regarding him.
•For every Muslim teacher in Islamic schools who wishes to raise his/her students with the knowledge of the seerah.
What will you come out with at the end of the course?
•A binder complete with notes on the details of the Seerah.
•Hundreds of examples, points of benefit from each incident and how to use it as a platform for dawah.
•Tremendous boost to your emaan.
•Clarification of doubts about the life of the Prophet.
•Motivation to start applying your knowledge of seerah in dawah.
Course materials
When you sign up for a course, at the first session, you will be given a binder full of notes and important reading regarding Seerah. You will be able to take down notes directly in the folder – this will stay with you for your future reference. In addition, the online facility will have extra points for reading and analysis including sample tests to check your understanding.
Course particulars
Faculty: Seerah and History
Type: Core topic
Credits: 3
Duration of Course: 18 hours which includes 4 instructor led sessions of 4 hours each + 2 hours of online tasks
Timing and Venue
Please check the enrolment page for course timings and venue in your city.
Why Enrol?
Knowledge is power. It increases when you give it. It is needed by Kings and beggars alike. It eases the path to paradise. We are constantly reminded in the Qur’an and Sunnah of the importance of gaining Islamic knowledge so as to apply it in our lives. At AlKauthar Institute we have attempted to make this path as easy as possible for a Muslim, but in the end it will require your own individual commitment, dedication and hardwork to gain the pleasure of Allah.
•The benefits you receive for the fee you pay for these courses will far out weigh the benefits you will receive from the payment of any other course such as university fees, professional membership fees, conference fees amongst many others.
•Practicality is always emphasised. You will learn so much in such little time and in such a manner that will ensure that you will be able to impart that knowledge straight away. Come and experience the AlKauthar Method and the world’s first Case based islamic learning.
•Give your islamic education solid direction. One course at a time you will edge closer to a diploma, degree and honours.
•Instructors who will provide engaging and enjoyable university level lessons in a professional manner at ideal venues complimenting our technology focused teaching style. Our instructors also have plenty of experience dealing with Muslim affairs in the West.
•Our student advisors and online student centre, combined with the support of an online community consisting of your instructors and your fellow students from around Australia and the world.
AlKauthar Institute is aiming to develop a pioneering world class Islamic learning institute, providing a professional and refreshing approach to Islamic courses which will touch the hearts and revive the souls. Come and see for yourself how we attempt to seek the reward of Allah by enriching the lives of individuals and communities.
Rarely do opportunities like this come our way whilst we are healthy and able. Take advantage of the chance! What will you be missing out on if you don’t?