Host: AlKauthar Institute South Africa
Type: Education – Workshop
Start Time: Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 8:00pm
End Time: Sunday, January 24, 2010 at 7:00pm
Location: WITS Med School
City/Town: Johannesburg, South Africa
Contact : 082 740 8021
A-Z of Love and Mercy
The Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce by Sheikh Bilal Ismail
Everything you wanted to know about the rulings of marriage and divorce in one beautiful single weekend!
AlKauthar has designed this course to be practical, informative, engaging, exciting and energising. Making the most difficult of topics – easy to understand, practical and simple to digest in a single intensive weekend is what we specialize in! That is precisely why our students say:
“AlKauthar is Fiqhtastic!” [London AlKauthar student]
Some of the things you will learn in this course:
* The importance of learning about Marriage and divorce
* All about the rulings of Islam pertaining to the marriage contract, its conditions and invalidators
* Modern methods and types of marriage and their rulings in Islam
* Clear understanding about the rulings of illegal marriage, zina and their consequences
* Discussion of all the rulings pertaining to the islamic manner of divorce and annulment (khula’)
* Clear and detailed understanding of the aftermath of divorce such as child custody laws in Islam
Who is this course for?
* Every Muslim trying to understand his or her deen whether they be married, looking to get married or looking to learn about its rulings.
* Teachers who may not have a solid background in the Islamic sciences.
* Marriage celebrants who need to understand the Islamic rulings of marriage and divorce.
* Anyone who want to have a deeper insight into understanding islamic family law.
* University students or High school seniors involved in calling to this religion.
* New Muslims who want to understand their Deen.
What will you come out with at the end of the course?
* A binder complete with notes on the details of the fiqh of marriage and divorce.
* Appreciation of the rulings about the vast majority of the questions about marriage and divorce that plague us today.
* Understanding step by step how to get nuture love through a blessed islamic marriage or to end it with mercy and compassion.
Fore more info on the course:
or email:
One Response to “The A-Z Of Love and Mercy”
January 16, 2010
AL PETERSENThe Fiqh workshops organised by ALKAUTHAR is much appreciated, but why are workshops not held in the other main SA centres. Especially in Cape Town. I am prepared to assist in obtaining venues.
I will appreciate a personal answer to my email.
Thank you