There are many ways to Jannah… its our duty to know them so that we may choose the correct paths the way Allah wants us to follow… May Allah AlHayyul Kayyum guide all of us with His hidayah…
1. First and foremost.. stay away from shirk… we need to know what is shirk and how it leads us to shirk… so that we may be on-guard not to fall into this category.. knowingly or out of ignorance… since ignorance is the root to all evil.. thats why it is our duty to seek knowledge.. know the ahadith very well… thats why it is important for us to follow the sunnah of Rasulullah saws.. one who refuses to follow Him.. is not part of his Ummah… if we refuse to follow his examples… tell me… whose example should we follow…
2. Love Allah and His Messenger as your first priority… hold on to the rope of Allah, ie follow the Quran and sunnah of His Rasul saws … and do everything for the sake of Allah only…
3. Love and hate for the sake of Allah… make it a point to love and hate for the sake of Allah AlHayyul Kayyum.. Azza wa Jal.. whatever He forbades and hates… stay away from it … what Allah loves and what is halal .. take it.. what Allah hates… dont do it…. like arrogance, envy, injustice, etc…
4. Have faith in Allah… iman is faith… our faith can increase or decreace depending on the situation… eg… most of our faith will increase during month of Ramadhan… iman must come with amal soleh.. without amal soleh there will be no iman… Allah stress this statement more than one hundred times in the Holy Quran… Iman must come with amal soleh… so keep our iman high on the agenda… do check our faith daily… before sleeping… think what i have done today to please Allah..
5. Memorize all the Attributes/Names of Allah… and their meanings.. Allah promises us Jannah if we can do it… the most grandest/majestic of all the names is Allah AlHayyum Kayyum.. use this attributes in your doa.. and He will InshaAllah grant your good request…6. Safe-guard our mouth and private part… Allah promises Jannah if we can avoid making fitnah, backbiting, lying etc and avoid zina and fornication…
7. Get rid of arrogance, envy and injustice… these are diseases of the heart… if we are arrogant we will be lowering our status same as iblis… because of his arrogance that led him to be disobedient to Allah…. in the hereafter Allah will make these arrogant people as small as the ant, people would step and trampled on them…
8. Be always thankful to Allah… those who dont thank the people… dont thank Allah… and never curse on food, the weather and time… these are from Allah… always be thankful…
9. Be khushuq in our prayer… one who takes a complete wudhu and pray with khushuq is better than one who prayed hundred times without khushuq… pray as though it is our last prayer… always remember death as it will soften our heart… and death can come at any moment…. and remember, the moment we are born… the process of dying begins… its getting nearer every day… not further away… remember… death is not the end but a beginning of a new life…
Rasulullah saws said….our average life is between 60 to 70… if we live above 60, its a bonus from Allah… thank Allah every day for His Mercy….
10. Be kind to all human beings and animals and avoid anger… maintain your kindness and humbleness at all times, to all the people and in any situation…
11. Pray to Allah for hidayah/guidance always… Allah has said Those whom I guide… no one can misguide.. and to those whom I misguide… no one can guide… always pray for Allahs guidance… we have limited access to our brain, our sub-councious mind is controlled by Allah… that is why you cannot control your dream… offcourse the dream has connection with what you think and do.. but the actual dream itself is from Allah… that is why when you pray… your mind is always wandering somewhere else…
12. It is compulsory for us to seek knowledge of our deen… and to spread the message of Islam… and if you can convert a non-Muslim to Islam… Allah promises Jannah for you… we can give them Islamic books to open their hearts… even pay zakat to them… and show our kindness to them as an examplary Muslim…
13. Say… surely… my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death is only for You Allah, Sustainer of the worlds…
14. Be a practicing Muslim… worship Allah with all honesty and sincerety… fear Allah as He sees us every second… we can enter Jannah only with the Mercy of Allah… it is not from our ibadah… but from the Mercy of Allah…
15. Before going to sleep… dont keep any grudges and forgive all the people… because to err is human and to forgive is divine…