from MuslimWritings
Why are you angry?
Are you angry at someone?
Has someone harmed you, betrayed you, used you for his/her own ends? Has someone cheated you, stolen from you, caused you to lose your job or property? Has someone you love been killed? Go make salat.
Are you angry at yourself?
Are you angry at yourself because of something you did or didn’t do, said or shouldn’t have said? Have you harmed yourself or someone else because of foolishness, laziness, negligence, incompetence or apathy? Go make salat.
Are you angry at Allah?
Because someone has died or is suffering? Because of a divorce, a loss of property, friends or family? Because when you try to do the right thing something bad happens? Because you followed all the rules, but ended up with nothing? Because there’s just too much pain? Go make salat.
Go pray two rakats. Go pray two more rakats. Now go pray two more rakats. Tell everything to Allah inside of the salat. All the way from beginnning through rukuh and sajdah. Keep making salat until the emotion starts to move inside of you. Then pray again, and continue talking to Allah. Maybe other emotions will come–grief or shame or despair. Maybe even more anger. Keep praying. Pray again until all the emotions start to overwhelm you.
Pray until you cry. Pray while you cry. Pray while you cry and are helpless before Allah. Pray not for what you want, but for what you need–forgiveness, relief, mercy, understanding, justice, strength, physical or spirtual healing for yourself or for others–pray for any kind of help, anything at all. Now is the time to ask.
When you’re angry, make salat.
And put your trust on the Exalted in Might, the Merciful,
Who sees you standing forth in prayer,
And your movements among those who prostrate themselves,
For it is He Who hears and knows all things. (Quran 26:217-220)
One Response to “Make Salaah when you are angry”
October 27, 2009
samiraALHAMDULILAH, there is rizq for all the muslims who pray and give their attention to Allah
alahumagfirli warahmni wahdini wafini waruzuqni!!!