Brother Khalid from Pure Islam sent me details earlier today, insha’allah we will try to make this a regular weekly halqa group.
Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh
You and your family are invited to attend a weekly halqa, which will, InshaAllah, start this saturday (18/10/08). Your confirmation should you wish to attend would be appreciated. All brothers and sisters are encouraged to attend. If you have kids, bring them along with some toys to keep them occupied.
Venue: Nana Memorial Board Room, Crosby, 65 Foyle Street. Park in the parking lot.
Day: Saturday
Time: 1600 – 1800 InshaAllah
Topics to be covered, InshaAllah:
* Adherence to the Qur’an and the Sunnah
* Hadeeth studies from Imam Nawawi’s forty hadith
* Seerah
* Current Affairs
* Tawheed and Issues that Build one’s Belief
* Shirk and Issues that Destroy one’s Belief
* Issues of Fiqh
Look forward to seeing you there insha allah
For information please call 083 411 0138 / 083 390 7862
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