Allah is The Best of Planners
The head of the service personnel of Masjidun Nabawi was Shamsuddin Sawaab Lamti. He was a pious man who was kind and generous towards the poor. Now, Sawaab explains that that he had a close friend who used to frequent the gatherings of the ruler of Madinah. This friend of his often kept him informed about any major developments that he had heard of. One day this friend came to him and said : “Something major has happened today.” Upon enquiry he explained : “A number of people have come from Syria and they have bribed the ruler of Madinah with a huge bribe to allow them to open the blessed graves and remove the bodies of Abu Bakr and Umar Radhi Allaahu Anhuma. The ruler has agreed to their request.”
Sawaab explains : “I became extremely worried. Shortly there after a messenger of the ruler of Madinah arrived saying that the ruler wanted to see me.”
When I had come before the ruler he said to me: “Sawaab, some people will knock at the door of the Masjid tonight. Open the door for them and allow them do what they want to do. Do not interfere with them in any way.” Sawaab replied that we would do so.
Sawaab explains further : ” I came back and I spent the day crying without anybody knowing why I was so worried. At night, after we had performed Esha Salaah, we locked the doors of the Masjid as usual. Shortly afterwards, somebody knocked at the door known as Baabus Salaam. The ruler of Madinah used to live in a fort in front of Baabus Salaam. I opened the door. Forty people entered. I counted then as they walked by me one by one. They were carrying equipment that was normally used for digging and excavation work.
They also had candles with them. They were heading towards the Sacred Chamber. But, I take an Oath by Allah, that they had not even reach the pulpit when the earth suddenly split beneath their feet and they were all buried together with their tools. No sign was left of them.”
Sawaab continues : “The ruler became anxious waiting for news regarding them and finally sent for me.”
He asked : “Sawaab, did some people not come to you?” Sawaab replied: “Yes, indeed. But, the earth has swallowed them.” The ruler said : “Think before you speak.” Sawaab insisted that he was speaking the truth and then took the ruler to see the spot where the incident had happened.
The ruler said : “This matter should remain here. If you mention this incident to anybody you shall be beheaded!”
This incident has also been mentioned by Samhoodi and others who mention that the number of people was fifteen or twenty and they were swallowed by the earth when they had gone only a few steps towards the Sacred Chamber. This incident happened in the middle of the seventh century after Hijra.
“They plan and Allah also plans. And Allah is the best of planners.” (Surah Imraan, verse 54)
No matter how carefully their plans may be, in the sight of Allah it is weaker than a spider’s web. Allah Azza Wajal is the ultimate Controler, Protector and Planner.
Reference : Wafa al-Wafa