Life is filled with opportunities to do good, many have their rewards in this world and many have it in the afterworld. At the end of the day, we all need to rackup as many good deeds as possible to get Jannah!
Right, now that I’v said that, Baba Ali has this ambitious project of doing a proper Movie. We’r all tired of the one-sided double standard approach to Islam and Muslims in general, this time Baba Ali wants to show the true Islam. Besides, we’v all benefited someway or the other from the UmmahFilms videos, time to give something back. Be a part of the solution, not the problem.
To quote:
Most of us can’t afford making a film on our own but as a collective whole, I believe we can raise the money if we work together. All we can do is put in the effort and the rest is Allah (swt) hands. That is been what I have repeated many times for all my past projects and what I am repeating again for this project. If you want to be part of this effort, you can contribute using the widget below. JazakAllah Khair