Twelve teenagers from the Reach For A Dream Foundation were taken on an outing to the Kwantu Private Game Reserve, situated 80 kilometres from Port Elizabeth. The Reach For A Dream Foundation fulfills the dreams of children between the ages of 3 and 18 who have been diagnosed as having a life-threatening illness by a medical practitioner. The foundation aspires to alleviate some of the strain (which often affects the whole family), by creating a different environment for the child – one that is not focused on her/ his illness.
Established on the 7th of July 1988, the organization made it’s very first dream come true. So the journey of dream fulfillment began. Little J C Steinman was treated to a wonderful birthday celebration with rides on a pony and a motorcycle. Officially named the Reach For A Dream Foundation in 1999, the organization defined its core purpose as “fulfilling the dreams of children of any race, colour and creed between the ages of 3 and 18 faced with a life-threatening illness.”
On Saturday 16 October 2010, twelve teenagers were treated to an outing of a lifetime by the Kwantu Foundation. Their first stop was the Kwantu Elephant Sanctuary where they were greeted by four giant African elephants. As they asked questions they all had the opportunity of interacting with these gentle giants by touching them and feeding them up close and personal.
Next the boys after enjoying some snacks and drinks, departed on a breathtaking big 5 game drive at the mystical Kwantu Private Game Reserve. Miss Inge Human branch manager of the Reach For A Dream Foundation says “Our game ranger was wonderful and told us lots of interesting facts about the animals we saw “! Then came the “highlight” of the outing, the boys had the opportunity of playing and interacting with lion and Bengal tiger cubs. Miss Human says “ All the fresh air made us very hungry and they thoroughly enjoyed the buffet lunch that awaited us”
The Kwantu Foundation aims to fulfill the dreams of people from all walks of life and is successfully running under the auspices of its Executive Chairman Yossuf Jeeva. CEO of the Kwantu Foundation Shakir Jeeva says “ We are particulary pleased to be able to be part of fulfilling the dreams of these young children. The beauty hidden in Africa’s true natue is unbelievably astounding.These young souls are at times so entrapped in the challenges of their daily lives that they very raley receive the opportunity of experiencing the power beneath the bed of Africa!”
Inge Human says “ All the boys agreed that this was the best day ever, with lots of good memories made to carry them during the difficult times!”