The subject of Ihraam with men always ends up with the footwear. Traditionally slops (aka beachthongs) have been used and still very popular. However in recent times various sandals with straps in obscure places have come out to add some comfort to the men doing lots of walking.
The subject of Ihraam with men always ends up with the footwear. Traditionally slops (aka beachthongs) have been used and still very popular. However in recent times various sandals with straps in obscure places have come out to add some comfort to the men doing lots of walking.
I purchased this a few days ago (R150/pair) – a leather moccasin type shoe which is approved by Ulema in South Africa. Locally manufactured, genuine leather with a rugged rubber sole. This looks like it’ll serve my walking Hajj perfectly! Only drawback is it looks a bit feminine, still a small price to pay for comfortable footwear, especially for the long walk from Mina to Arafat to Muzdalifa and back to Mina
Click the image below to find out contact info from the distributors.
One Response to “Slip on Ihraam Shoes for Men”
November 1, 2010
AbdoeragmaanThis would not be allowed for shawafi’. because the heels & the toes have to be exposed.