Who is this brother?
His brother says of him: “Tarek Mehanna is a 27 year old Muslim Egyptian American born and raised in the United States. Highly educated, Tarek holds a doctorate in pharmacy from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. He is a devout and tolerant Muslim who is not only respected in the local Islamic and interfaith communities, but who also gives back to his Islamic community by fulfilling the roles of brother, educator, mentor, scholar, and friend. Tarek is described by those who know him well as humble, reserved, warm, peaceful, intelligent, knowledgeable, reflective, pragmatic, dedicated, and straightforward. He is a person with strong ethical values who refuses to compromise on them regardless of the circumstances.â€
How can you know him?
See his blog: http://iskandrani.wordpress.com/ (MyUmmah regularly publishes some of his works)
Some History:
This is abridged from the brother of Tarek Mehanna:
The FBI after trying to recruit Tarek as an informant and his flat out refusal to backstab his fellow Muslim brothers and sisters: The FBI then proceeded to repeatedly approach Tarek over the coming months, each time pressuring him more and more to collaborate with them.
This pressure came in the form of:
· Blackmail
· Threats that unless he consented to cooperating with the FBI, they would continue finding new ways to disrupt his life and to deprive him of a sense of security.
He was told outright by interrogators that they knew he was innocent, but that they would not be satisfied with his refusal to cooperate. Regardless of whether their methods were unethical, coercive, or failed to respect his civil rights, the FBI were quite fortunate in catching an opportunity to arrest Tarek in 2008 based on a weak accusation of issuing "false statements" to a federal officer. After two months of imprisonment, his court-appointed attorney, Jay Carney, jr. was able to negotiate a bail settlement of $1,250,000. Tarek was subsequently released after this absurdly inflated amount was paid by his parents, who were desperate to have him return home safely.
Tarek did return home for nearly a year, living a quiet life, restricted by a court-ordered curfew, and monitored by FBI investigators. In the meantime, the case against him, based on "false testimony" charges, began to stagnate, and court dates were far and in between with no advances made by the FBI. Over time, the Mehanna family began to finally feel a sense of restored normalcy and stability in their lives. This feeling was suddenly and violently shattered during the fajr hours of September 21st, 2009, when FBI agents showed up at the Mehanna home doorstep at 5:00AM in the morning. Despite the lack of ANY new evidence since the prior arrest, the agents came with an arrest warrant. According to Dr. Ahmed Mehanna, Tarek’s father, the agents were visibly excited and enthusiastic about their invasion of the Mehanna private household and the seizure and arrest of Tarek. The situation facing Tarek now is one where his second arrest means that there is no chance for bail. Tarek is currently incarcerated at the Plymouth Correctional Facility, where he is expected to remain for the several year duration of a new trial based on outright FALSE AND LUDICROUS accusations of aiding and abetting terrorism. He currently faces LIFE IN PRISON if convicted guilty in a trial by grand jury. We must offer our greatest support and most dedicated effort if there is to be hope of Tarek’s release.
· As the brothers from www.pureislam.co.za said: “We ask everyone to remember br Tarek in your duas and ask Allah to grant him and his family sabr and steadfastness in this time of trial.â€
· Further to this, please take the two minutes further of your time, and go to the link: http://www.petitiononline.com/Tarekm/petition.html
· You can also, send this message to all you know, print it, and share it with your family – and get others to at the least make du’ah for the brother.
· Write to the brother and his family, showing support:
From: www.cageprisoners.com
Tarek Mehanna
ID# 50660
Room E327
Unit E3
Plymouth Country Correctional Facility
26 Long Pond Road
MA 02360
Remember to try the very best you capable of and more - to live upon Qur’an and Sunnah:
· “Indeed, the believers are brothers…†[al-Hujurat; 10]
· “The male and female believers are allies of one another…â€[at-Tawbah;71]
Muhammad S.A.W. said:
· “Feed the hungry, visit the sick, and free the prisoner!â€
· “It is upon the Muslim faithful to free their prisoners and to pay their ransom.â€
· “There is no Muslim who forsakes a Muslim in a situation where his reputation and honor are violated except that Allah will forsake him in a situation where he would want His help, and there is no Muslim who helps a Muslim in a situation where his reputation and honor are being violated except that Allah will help him in a situation where he would want His help.â€
· “The believer to the rest of the believers is like the head to the body: the believer is pained at what afflicts the rest of the believers just as the head feels the pain of whatever afflicts the body.â€
· “Whoever relieves a Muslim of a hardship in this life, Allah will relieve him of a hardship in the Hereafter, and Allah will help His slave so much as he helps his brother.â€
In Conclusion:
A reminder from: Shaikh Abu Baseer in his article on Free the Prisoner!
“O Muslims, you want the scholars and callers to Allah to openly proclaim the truth and to fulfill their obligations towards the Ummah, yet if they do this and are afflicted with trials and hardships such as their being thrown into the depths of the prisons of the oppressors, you abandon them and distance yourselves from them, and sit back from helping them as if you don’t know them and they have no rights over you… “That is a division that is most unfair!†[an-Najm; 22] So, Islam should be aided by the Muslim people as well as their active scholars together – not one instead of the other.
A door to the doors of good has been opened for you, O slave of Allah! So, take advantage of it before it shuts and you are prevented from this abundant good! This door is that you see to the needs of your imprisoned brothers and their families and children. So, I give glad tidings to those who take advantage of this before the door is shut, and they spend the rest of their lives in regret!â€
"Don’t look at the meagerness of your sin, look at who it was that you disobeyed." – Bilaal ibn Sa’d