Many people do not know how to appreciate appreciation. If someone were to thank us or express their appreciation, often times we do not know how to take that properly. Sometimes that gets to our heads and we get caught up in vanity which is an extremely deadly disease of the heart. The other extreme is we feel distasteful towards those who praise us or appreciate us.
Our mashaaikh teach us to adopt a moderate path. In one hadith, the Prophet (Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam) has instructed us to throw dirt in the face of those who praise us. Yet in another hadith, we are told that when true believer is praised, they increase in their level of imaan.
The important lesson we must learn is that whatever we do for which appreciation may be due is all by the tawfiq and grace of Allah. So give credit where credit is due. Since none of what we do is of our own accord, for the good, well that comes from Allah, and the bad, well that comes from our own selves. Hence, if we are praised, we should say “Alhamdulillah†and realize that Allah has shown the world one good that He has given us and has hidden our blemishes from people out of His sheer mercy.
One other thing is that we should realize is that whoever thank us or appreciate what we do or have done is a sign of that person having proper gratefulness and shukr. We have been told that the person who cannot be grateful to mankind can never truly be grateful to Allah. So that person’s appreciation of us is in reality appreciating the bounties of Allah.
To conclude, we do not do enough to even be appreciated. If per chance we are, then we should attribute it to Allah. Kibr and shukr cannot coexist. So by thanking Allah, we save ourselves from vanity. Also, we must realize that we are deficient and definitely could have done much more and in a better manner.
I pray to Allah that He grants us the ability take appreciation the right way and that we learn to appreciate one another so that we develop proper love for each other for the sake of Allah.