I have received this email numerous times, many know this is NOT dajjal and its merely a poor baby born with medical condition and deformed developments.
Below is a more official answer to this
The ahadith relating to physical features and appearance of Dajjaal are quite clear. The baby shown on the email pictures cannot be Dajjaal because of the following reasons :
1. Dajjaal was present at least from the time of Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. A hadith exaplains the expererience of Tamim al-Daari Radhi Allahu Anhu where he saw Dajjaal chained on an island.
2. Dajjaal has been described in the ahadith as having two eyes. One of them will be blind and one will protrude like a grape.
3. The word “kaafir” will be seen on his forehead.
Medical doctors have further confirmed that the case of the baby, in question, with one eye is actually a physical deformity.
One should be particularly careful about circulating emails of this nature because they cause misconceptions and unnecessary confusion. As Muslims we believe completely in the words of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam regarding the emergence of Dajjaal. Our faith in this should not hinge upon images or chain emails.
We should further prepare ourselves from falling prey to the deception of Dajjaal, if we live to see him, by following the prescriptions mentioned in the Quran and ahadith.
And Allah knows best.
Courtesy of : Madrasah Mazaahir al-Uloom. For all Shariah related queries contact Mufti Muhammad Abubakr Minty at almazaahir@gmail.com
20 Responses to “Dajjal & that baby picture spreading over email.”
February 23, 2009
yusuf solomonsshukran for clearing up the issue of that poor baby not being dajjal,the problem is some of our muslim brothers and sisters are deceived now already what will happen to them when the real deception comes,they must get out of their comfort zone and go sit by the feet of the ulema and learn the teachings of the Quran and Hadith then such things wont have to commented on by the various Aleems as there are more serious things to tackle,people are dying without emaan people are becoming murtard and we require such information that doesnt benefit anyone
February 24, 2009
DrProctorHoloprosencephaly is a type of cephalic disorder. This is a disorder characterized by the failure of the prosencephalon (the forebrain of the embryo) to develop. During normal development the forebrain is formed and the face begins to develop in the fifth and sixth weeks of human pregnancy. (The condition also occurs in other species, as with Cy, the Cyclops kitten.) Holoprosencephaly is caused by a failure of the embryo’s forebrain to divide to form bilateral cerebral hemispheres (the left and right halves of the brain), causing defects in the development of the face and in brain structure and function.
It can occur in Patau’s syndrome. Patau syndrome, also called trisomy 13, is a congenital (present at birth) disorder associated with the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 13. The extra chromosome 13 causes numerous physical and mental abnormalities, especially heart defects. Patau syndrome is named for Klaus Patau, who reported the syndrome and its association with trisomy in 1960.
Children normally inherit 23 chromosomes from each parent, for a total of 46 chromosomes. A typical human being has 46 chromosomes: 22 pairs of non-sex linked chromosomes and one pair of sex-linked chromosomes that determine that person’s sex. Sometimes a child may end up with more than 46 chromosomes because of problems with the father’s sperm or the mother’s egg or because of mutations that occurred after the sperm and the egg fused to form the embryo (conception).
Normally, there are two copies of each of the 23 chromosomes: one from each parent. A condition called trisomy occurs when three, instead of two, copies of a chromosome are present in a developing human embryo. An extra copy of a particular chromosome can come either from the egg or sperm or from mutations that occur after conception.
The most well-known trisomy-related disorder is Down syndrome (trisomy 21), in which the developing embryo has an extra copy of chromosome 21. Patau syndrome is trisomy 13, in which the developing embryo has three copies of chromosome 13.
An extra copy of chromosome 13 is not the only cause of Patau syndrome. Other changes in chromosome 13, such as mispositioning (translocation), can also result in the characteristics classified as Patau syndrome. In these cases, an error occurs that causes a portion of chromosome 13 to be exchanged for a portion of another chromosome. There is no production of extra chromosomes, but a portion of each affected chromosome is “misplaced” (translocated) to another chromosome.
Patau syndrome causes serious physical and mental abnormalities, including heart defects; incomplete brain development; unusual facial features such as a sloping forehead, a smaller than average head (microcephaly), small or missing eyes, low set ears, and cleft palate or hare lip; extra fingers and toes (polydactyly); abnormal genitalia; spinal defects; seizures; gastrointestinal hernias, particularly at the navel (omphalocele); and mental retardation. Due to the severity of these conditions, fewer than 20 percent of those affected with Patau syndrome survive beyond infancy
April 9, 2009
April 28, 2009
MuslimVery Very True, I’ve seen pictures of this around the internet and youtube regarding this baby to be dajjal, The people who spread this false news of this poor baby needs to research properly on Islam, Quran and hadith. It is absolutely impossible for this baby to be dajjal.
April 28, 2009
MuslimAlso this baby is janat-ee inshallah, allah knows best
April 29, 2009
Knowledge before speech(QUOTE)
April 9, 2009 at 6:17 pm
June 19, 2009
zahid Hussain kingwe being a Muslim can not eccept this propaganda . it is blunder on islamic religion and this propagenda would lead towords third world war and that will be fite between two powerfull religions islam and cristanaty and that is called to be clash of civlisation he is innocent babay.we all muslims strongly protest against such type of propaganda and do not violet the law of nature.
June 20, 2009
HAMID SHAHi have seen these all picture .i cant accept. it can.t be a dajjal.because my opinion is that we should.t follow these all picture.if u see these all picture.dont be shock.
June 27, 2009
naveedThis is really propaganda bcoz dajjal have two eyes but one will be blind. and we dont know when dajjal has been born. bcoz TWO SAHABA KIRAM (R. A.) saw dajjal them self after the MUHAMMAD (S. A. W.) NABWAT.Bcoz this baby can’t be dajjal.dajjal is waiting the that is decided by ALLAH. & will appear on its time.Dajjal is Caged person.
June 30, 2009
hasrat khan AThis is really propaganda bcoz daknow when dajjal has been born. bcoz TWO SAHABA KIRAM (R. A.) saw dajjal them self after the MUHAMMAD (S. A. W.) NABWAT.Bcoz this baby can’t be dajjal.dajjal is waiting the that is decided by ALLAH. & will appear on its time.Dajjal is Caged person.
jjal have two eyes but one will be blind. and we dont
July 17, 2009
FindingAllah knows best whats the truth..
I personally think that this baby is not dajjal and we should not abuse or create problems fr the baby and his family..
Rather it should be an eye opener fr muslims.. We should be aware that we need to reform ourselves and attain salvation before Allah stops listening to us.. Allah can send dajjal anytime and muslims need to reform theirselves before doomsday comes..
Wake up before its too late..
July 18, 2009
Salihahi i see this pic but i cant belv this
August 7, 2009
bushrathanks 4 clearing this issue
August 23, 2009
LAZIMAthanx for clearing this issue. i hope and make duaa dat insha-allah we must not have another incident like this again. its also up to us muslims not to believe such propaganda and our imaan must be stronger than this.
September 13, 2009
dr.zafarit is picture of diseased child not to exploilt further give the equal history on this site.
September 17, 2009
shahidi m not agree , this is dajjal
i have research and read so that is not dajjal , this children has diseased . bcoz his mother used cancer medicines ,
it’s right that time is coming for dajjal , war of Iraq & afghanistan big indications.
but wait for destroy of temple of suleman ,
without destroy he will never come his identity.
November 20, 2009
AbidThanks for clearing idea
December 9, 2009
waqar ul haqyes thanks for clearing Idea and ALLAH knows better
January 28, 2010
Haleerou MuhammaadVery clear, concise and intelligent comment. The basic problem of the Muslim Ummah is lack of putting things into their proper cohorts. Every body wants to speak and stand for Islam even if he or she doesnt have the necessary qualification to do so, we must return to the basics by allowing the right People to stand for the right positions.
There is no other religion as Islam that requirs research and constant search of truth and knowledge, every time a Muslim is required to have grounded knowledge before action, and infact it is an incontrovertible fact that the search for knowledge is a pre-requisite to anything else regardless of its weight and status. Unfortunatly not heeding to the dictates of our faith has landed us to a point of regret and wilderness, what is the way forward then?
The way forward is to go back to the basics by allowing those grounded in Islamic jurisprudence to always speak and guide us in Islam, especially when it comes to issueing fatwa. Dajjal’s coming is a prophercy which shall come, some of his basic features were also elucidated in the prophercy, to give the Ummah a clue of what is to come so as to prepare themselves for eventualities. The purpoted picture therefore was a misplaced priority especially without the backing and consensus of the Ulama.It lacked the important features of the Dajjal as stated, what a poor calculation?
Weldone for a well researched article and Allah bless you
February 4, 2010
KashifI would like 2thanks all those who clear sensitive issue