The recitation of the Qur’ân is completed in this which commences from Sûrah Bayyinah, the 98th Sûrah of the Qur’ân, ending with Sûrah Nâs, the 114th and final Sûrah of the Qur’ân.
Allâh is pleased with the righteous and they are pleased with Him because they are the best of Allâh’s creation. As for the evildoers, they are the worst of Allâh’s creation. On the Day of Qiyâmah, Allâh will be so just that even a good act the size of an atom will be rewarded and a sin just as small will also not pass unnoticed.
Allâh says that man acknowledges that he has an ungrateful nature, but his intense love for wealth does not permit him to mend his ways. Allâh reminds mankind to be mindful of the Day of Qiyâmah because they can never fathom the flaming inferno of Jahannam. Man is reminded that he will have to answer for the wealth that he possesses, which makes him negligent of his duties in this world. Besides the righteous Mu’minîn, the rest of mankind is at a loss.
Allâh warns man that every tale-carrier and miser is destined for Jahannam. In Sûrah Fîl, Allâh illustrates how He used little birds with pebbles to destroy the army of elephants that Abraham brought to demolish the Ka‘bah. In the next Sûrah, Allâh tells the Quraysh that they should worship He only because it was Him who made their city a sanctuary of peace.
In Sûrah Ma’ûn, Allâh condemns those who rebuke orphans and the poor and who are vain and miserly. These are the ones who remain negligent of the Salâh. Allâh consoles Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam by telling him not to let the taunts of a certain Kâfir affect him because it will be the very same wretch who will be without progeny and will be nameless in history. Allâh urges Rasulullâh ft to continue performing Salâh and offering sacrifices because Allâh shall soon award him with the pond of Kawthar as a gift in the Âkhirâh.
In Sûrah Kâfirûn, Allâh clearly distinguishes between the Mu’minîn and the Kuffâr so that the one is not confused for the other. Allâh makes mention of the culmination of Rasulullâh’s Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam duty in Sûrah Nasr and commands Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam to engage in excessive glorification and praise of Allâh. Sûrah Lahab curses Abu Lahab and his wife because the couple harmed Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam, immensely. Sûrah Ikhlâs declares, “Say, ‘He is Allâh, the One. Allâh is Independent. He is neither the child of anyone nor has He any children. There is none comparable to Him.
Sûrah Falaq is an invocation to Allâh for His protection and makes reference to the witchcraft that was intended to harm Rasulullâh Sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam. Finally, Sûrah Nâs invokes Allâh’s protection against Shaytân’s instigation and traps.