Earlier this year Yusuf Estest had a whirlwind tour of South Africa, subhanallah even had a sister revert to Islam at one of his lectures!  MyUmmah.co.za was the unofficial & only online landing page for his tour dates & some of his talks.
Below is Br Yusuf’s short message:
Bismillah Rahman Raheem – Salam alaykum to all my brothers and sisters in So. Africa.
I pray for all of you and ask Allah to accept from you and your family, all your fasting, salat, Quran, thikr and sacrifices in the holy month of Ramadan.
I miss you all so much – and my family is sending big salams too!
Jazakumallahu khairan was salam alaykum,Yusuf Estes
P.S. remember to http://www.ShareIslam.com in all your emails (like this)