Earlier today Ahmed from soukIslam.com emailed me an offer for MyUmmah readers, 5% of any purchase. Coupon is valid for the first 200 readers and expires on Eid Day.
soukISLAM.com is South Africa’s first 100% secure Islamic shopping portal. It is your link to purchasing Islamic Media (CD’s, DVD’s, MP3). They have a wide range of Islamic lectures, Qur’aan recitals and nasheeds. The store is backed by Par Excellence who have been leaders in the Islamic Media field for over 12 years. Other Islamic items will be added in the near future.
The online shop is 100% secure. All credit card payments are processed by the banks and soukISLAM have no access to the credit card numbers.
soukISLAM.com is offering the first 200 readers of Ummah.co.za a discount of 5% off prices until Eid Day.
Simply enter the coupon code UMMAH7861 on the checkout page to receive the discount.
You can also pay by bank transfer or EFT.
They have the following items on special at present:
1.     Tafseer of the Holy Qur’aan – Mufti Menk – R100 (was R150)
2.     Jewels of the Holy Qur’aan – Mufti Menk – R100 (was R195)
3.     The Holy Qur’aan MP3 Recited by Sheikh Maher Al Muayqali – R25
4.     Lectures of Sheikh Sulaiman Moola 2006/7/8 – R150 (was R200)
Go to www.soukislam.com for secure Islamic Media Shopping.