A compilation of Fatawa (edicts) of different scholars & institutions on issues relating to love, sex & rape.
(last update Monday 04 August 2008)
By Ustadh Ahmed Fazel Ebrahim, Johannesburg, South Africa
How I got hold of this e-book is quite fascinating. About 1 1/2 weeks ago my brother & I are driving toward the city when we spot an elderly man hitchiking. My brother mentions that the man is a Molana and knows one of the guys at work. We promptly stop the car, take a u-turn and proceed to give him a lift.
Turns out he was about 1.5km away from home, tackling a very steep incline which is no feat for an elderly individual. Anyway we get to talking a bit and he says he runs the Fatwa.org.za website. I reply that i recall seeing that address on the mailing list. As he left he mentions he will email me a very good guide & book on islamic marriage, sexual relations, and similar.
This free e-book is a compilation of various Q&A’s from across the country. It still is a work-in-progress and all answers are accompanied by the specific Ulema, Hadith or similar.
This should clear up many misconceptions about Islam & Sex, Marital relations, husban & wife behaviour & so forth.
Approximately 1.3mb. Zip filed containing the PDF Document – You will need Adobe Acrobat to read it.