I have read many hadith, listened to many lectures about the signs of Qiyamah and events that lead up to it. But every time I read it, the world as we know seems to get closer and closer to this. Everytime I read it, I can pick up a new crazy or state of the nation that lines up to these hadith.
Signs of the Hour:
Abu Hurairah said, The Prophet said, There will come a time of afflictions when one who sits will be better than one who stands; one who stands will be better than one who walks; and one who walks will be better than one who runs. Whoever exposes himself to these afflictions, they will destroy him. So whoever can find a place of protection or refuge from them, should take shelter in it. (Bukhari and Muslim.)
Zaynab bint Jahsh said, The Prophet (sallallah alayhe wa sallam) got up from his sleep; his face was flushed and he said, There is no god but Allah. Woe to the Arabs, for a great evil which is nearly approaching them. Today a gap has been made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this(Sufyan illustrated this by forming the number of 90 or 100 with his fingers). Someone asked, Shall we be destroyed even though there are righteous people among us? The Prophet said, Yes, if evil increases.
Ibn Umar said, The Prophet stood beside the pulpit, facing the east, and said, Afflictions will verily emerge from here, where the top of Satans head will appear. (Bukhari.)
Abu Hurairah also said, The Prophet said, The Euphrates will disclose a golden treasure. Whoever is present at that time should not take anything of it.
Abu Hurairah said, The Prophet said, The Hour will not come before the Euphrates uncovers a mountain of gold, for which people will fight.
Ninety-nine out of every hundred will die, but every one among them will say that perhaps he will be the one who will survive (and thus possess the gold). (Muslim.)
Abu Hurairah said, The Prophet said, The Hour will not come until the
following events have come to pass: two large groups will fight the
another, and there will be many casualties; they will both be following the same religious teaching. Nearly thirty Dajjals will appear, each of them falsely claiming to be a Messenger from Allah. Knowledge will disappear, earthquakes will increase, time will pass quickly, afflictions will appear, and Harj (ie killing) will increase. Wealth will increase, so that a wealthy man will worry lest no-one accept his Zakat, and when he offers it to anyone, that person will say, I am not in need of it. People will compete in constructing high buildings. When a man passes by someones grave, he will say, Would that I were in his place! The sun will rise from the west; when it rises and the people see it, they will believe, but,
No good will it do to a soul to believe in them then, if it believed not before nor earned righteousness through its faith … (Al-Anam 6:158)
Abu Hurairah said, The Prophet said, There are two types among the people of Hell whom I have not yet seen. The first are people who have whips like the tails of oxen, with which they beat people, and the second are women who are naked in spite of being dressed; they will be led astray and will lead others astray, and their heads will look like camels humps. These women will not enter Paradise; they will not even experience the faintest scent of it, even though the fragrance of Paradise can be perceived from such a great distance.
Abu Hurairah said, The Prophet said, Woe to the Arabs from the great evil which is nearly approaching them: it will be like patches of dark night. A man will wake up as a believer, and be a kafir (unbeliever) by nightfall. People will sell their religion for a small amount of worldly goods. The one who clings to his religion on that day will be as one who is grasping an ember – or thorns. (Ahmad.)
Abd Allah ibn Amr said, I heard the Prophet say, If you see my Ummah
fearing a tyrant so much that they dare not tell him that he is a tyrant,then there will be no hope for them. The Prophet said, Among my Ummah, some will be swallowed up by the earth, some bombarded with stones, and some transformed into animals. (Ahmad).