The hadith below, I think applies to everyone in this world. Islam is not simply a ritualistic religion involving daily prayers but more so a complete way of life. Being honest, just, charitable, modest, deeply rooted to your faith all makes up different aspects of being a Muslims.
The Messenger of Allah Muhammad [Peace be upon him] said:
Seven types of people will be under the shelter of Mercy on the Day whenthere will be no shade other than that of Allah’s Mercy:
1. A just ruler
2. A young person who kept busy in Allah’s worship.
3. A person whose heart was attached to the mosque.
4. Two persons who loved each other for Allah’s sake, met each other for Allah’s sake and then departed for Allah,s sake
5. A man who was tempted by a beautiful woman but declined her offer out of fear of Allah.
6. A person who gave charity so secretly that his left hand did not know what was given by his right hand , and
7. A person who remembered Allah secretly and tears flowed from his eyes.
(Bukhari and Muslim
One Response to “7 People under the Mercy of Allah on Judgement Day”
March 29, 2009
ImanMash’allah !
This is a very nice hadith..
Allahu Akbar !
Let us all say “La illaha illahu wahdu la shareka lahu lahul mulk wa lahul hamd wal lahu ala kuli shayin qateer”
Takbeer Allahu Akbar !