Taken from The Ignored Puzzle Pieces of Knowledge
Many disbelievers, and unfortunately some Muslims, believe that the Mujaahideen today are some immoral crooks that have nothing better to do than to travel thousands of miles – leaving their comfortable lives, families, homes – to fight in foreign countries for no reason…
By Allah, this is not the case. Our fighters are vibrant with Taqwa (God Consciousness) and only fight to uplift His word in order to make it Supreme over the words of the disbelievers by re-establishing the Hukm (ruling) of Allah ‘Azza wa Jall upon the earth. Verily, our victory is in our good deeds, patience and steadfastness and not in our numbers, weapons and strategies. And it is Allah who grants victory and grants loss in order to test mankind.
‘Umar [May Allah be pleased with him] advised his army once and said:
“And I advise you and those with you to be more cautious of your sins than you are of your enemies. Since, verily, the sins of an army are more harmful to them than their enemies.
Victory is given to the Muslims through the disobedience of their enemies to Allah, and if it was not for that we would not have an edge over them. [Don’t you see that] our number is not like their numbers, nor is our weapons like theirs.
Thus, if we became equal in our sins, they would be given the edge over us by their strength … and do not think that [even if we sin] our enemy is [still] worse than us and so would never be given power over us, since in many times were people overpowered by others that were more evil than them, like what happened to the Children of Israel, when they acted upon what upsets Allah, the disbelievers of the Magians (Magus) were sent on them and probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled”
[“Al-Jami’ fe Talab Al-‘Ilm Al-Shareef”]Every single Army today, save the Mujaahideen, have morals that are nowhere near as this. The United States Army could careless about God Consciousness to the extent that each of their own soldiers don’t even bother commanding what is righteous and forbidding what is evil with their tongue except when the situation calls for it such as foreign Journalists watching and recording their actions! If one were to spend time around them – whether they are on or off the battlefield – one will notice how empty their hearts are of Imaan (faith) and Taqwa (God-consciousness). They don’t know how to watch their tongue, control their private parts, control their laughter and emotions, fear their Creator from committing sins of eyes, ears, hands and legs; they almost never advise people to come closer to God, and almost none of them look at the world from the perspective of revelation (as opposed to their own intellect and reason).
In reality, it is a secular Christian (mixed) Army full of ex-convicts and sexually perverted fools; and the most religious of them are the worst of them as they believe in their Shirk with conviction to the extent that they will fight for it.
The American public (and the West in general) must realize who the Mujaahideen are and eventually support them by accepting Islaam and giving support for the cause of Islaam (whether openly or disclosed). Nationalism is a disease since allegiance should be determined by what is the truth as opposed to where one resides. Islaam is free of nationalism, borders and race and our cause as Muslims is one cause: to worship Allah, the Lord of All the Worlds, as He deserves to be worshiped.
Say: “Can you expect for us (any fate) other than one of two glorious things- (Martyrdom or victory)? But we can expect for you either that Allah will send his punishment from Himself, or by our hands. So wait (expectant); we too will wait with you.” [Qur’aan, 9:52]