As she stands at the doorway,
I bid my farewell.
After exiting the door,
I pause and glance over my shoulder.
As I watch with a spark in my eyes,
Her eyes start to trickle down to the floor.
Patiently standing,
I could sense the love emanating from her.
Gently, I turn to her,
Do not look towards the East or the West,
Nor look at our photo albums which bring joy to the chest,
Nor look towards the calls of Satan lest he seduces you,
But look towards the sky and ask.
Ask Ar-Raheem for my success,
So that I may meet you with a scent of musk that is full of excitement.â€
Her eyes trickle back to my eyes;
Captured… caught in the moment of reality are we.
She smiles at me and whispers,
“Your love is awaiting you… so when weak or in doubt,
Don’t look East, nor look West,
But look to the Heavens and ask…â€
A silence befalls us as my heart listens attentively.
“Ask your Beloved to allow for you to meet Him with a bright face on that Day…
The Day where I meet you with musk emanating from my body.â€
My heart drops and I look at her with surprise.
Before I could speak,
She puts her finger on my lips and tells me to quiet.
And as her tears fall from her sweet eyes,
I only look on in shock.
The woman who I am leaving for the sake of Allah,
Is now the woman who is leaving me for the sake of Allah.
“Go†she tells me.
“Don’t look back.â€
I slowly walk backwards,
Staring her down,
Remembering her for the last time.
I turn around and rush for my horse,
Jump upon it and ride with the wind,
Throwing the thoughts of my wife behind.
And here today,
I sit upon this mountain,
Writing about my wife,
Looking upon the beautiful horizon,
Forgetting the advice of my wife.
So I ask and I ask until I can ask no more.
My Commander taps my shoulder,
“You are leading the night mission,
So go… go in the name of Allah.â€
Night falls and I stare at the base of the disbelievers,
Reminding the fighters of our plans,
When all of a sudden,
A person on a horse rushes down the mountain opposite of us,
Towards the base.
We all watch in shock and disbelief.
The rider somehow penetrates the base,
As if the Angels blinded the disbelievers,
Cutting off their heads, one by one,
Blood spilling everywhere.
I use the binoculars for a better vision,
And I see that this rider turns towards me,
As if knowing that I’m looking with a spark in my eyes,
The rider is then ambushed from behind,
Thrown off the horse,
And stabbed to death.
A light then immediately emanates from the riders body,
Straight to the heavens.
And a burst of the musk scent is echoed in the valley.
We all rush down to the base,
Kill the remaining disbelievers,
And proceed to the dead rider.
I rush to the body,
Unwrap the turban,
And faint with tears in my eyes.