I got this via email many months ago, watch it with your volume raised up. I’m sure we can ALL identify with the fact that many a time we’r so engrossed in our day to day work (especially ones who work on PC’s) – Its so easy to simply let Salaah time pass us by.
A well directed & truly shocking video depicting death & the burial.
3 Responses to “Read your Salah before Salah is read for you!”
September 8, 2008
snoreenim a muslim girl and a mum of three im not sure if i read my namaz right been to lots of shops for videos but cannot find any can i know what to read but not sure what actions
September 9, 2008
naeem.co.zaSnoreen – i’v sent you an email – please let us know where are you from, i’m certain i can point you to some sisters or someone here can give you some direction to sisters willing to assist you.
September 9, 2008
AbdoeragmaanMy sister may Allah reward you on your effort & you concern for the perfection of your salah. More important than the correct method of salah is the correct understanding of Allah in your salah. As Ali RA said if all the veils are removed between me & Allah I will not increase in certainty (Yaqeen). One can only stop to imagine what type of concentration & Igsaan he use to worship Allah with. May Allah grant us the ability.