An interesting documentary on Shariah law in Nigeria, working alongside “western” law. I’m all for Shariah law, however i think there will be huge conflicts with western laws in more 1st world countries.
One has to admire the steadfastness of Esah (the judge) though I dont think his mindset will agree with many modern societies.
My take: I cant really identify with rural Africa much, perhaps a documentary in a middle eastern country where things are a bit more modern would clear up allot of misconceptions about Shariah Law. I’m all for Shariah, however trying to make a comparison with 1st world UK and 3rd world Africa will never really be fair. Nontheless, this is Youtube bandwidth well used.
This is a 6 part video series, each video is 10 minutes long.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6: