Pure Islam published a short article on voting, Islam & democracy. Many might disagree with the sentiments below and go ahead and vote anyway, please make sure your Niyah (intentions) is correct & islamic.
Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullah
Indeed All praise belongs to Allah SWT who has created us and to whom we shall return for judgment. May the choicest of peace and blessing be upon Muhammad S.A.W. his family, his companions and all those who follow them until the last day.
With South African General Elections coming up in 2009, Muslims are being asked to participate in the electoral process commencing with voter registration over the coming weekend. This reminder and advice is addressed to every single Muslim who intends participating in the elections especially those who sincerely believe that that they are assisting Islam and Muslims
“Do you wish to offer Allah a manifest proof against yourselves?” (an Nisaa’ 4:144)
Before going ahead with registration think about this:
1) For Muslims, the Shari’ah has been a complete system of governance for over 1400 years until the khilafah was destroyed in the 1920’s
2) Muslims submit to Allah in all spheres of life
3) The most recently developed man-made system of democracy is an un-Islamic western system
4) It gives the Divine authority and right of legislation to man. The system is therefore a system of shirk (association of partners with Allah in His Names and Attributes)
5) It is not just the opposite of Islam but is now being presented as an alternative to the Shari’ah of Allah Azzawajal
6) Voting is a show of support for the system
7) Voting can lead to a false sense of security by Muslims starting to believe that democracy is equal to or better than the Shari’ah
8) This false sense of security and mixed belief can possibly lead to disbelief in Islam
Now ask yourself the following sincerely:
9) Do I want to aid a system that is opposed to the system that Allah CHOSE for me after He honoured me with Islam?
10) Will I demonstrate the same enthusiasm and willingness to call for or show support for the establishment of the Shari’ah?
11) Do my actions of supporting an un-Islamic system conform to the Sunnah of Muhammad (saw) and the methodology of the Sahaabah (ra), those who I claim to follow?
12) Do I want to call other Muslims to a haraam system and share in their sin?
13) Which of the reasons that are being presented to encourage me to participate are valid in light of the Qur’an and Sunnah?
14) Am I being forced to vote?
15) What further benefit can I attain for the Muslims via my vote that we don’t already have? More masjids? More madrassahs? More halaal butchers?
16) How many laws have been passed in this place in the name of democracy that are in total opposition to what Allah has legislated for His Creation?
Dear Muslim brother and sister,
Please don’t fall for this highly deceptive trap of Iblees. Stay away from the system of the Shaytaan and work instead for the system of Allah.
You can make a difference – give da’wah to the non-Muslims and support them in their Islam all the way. That’s the real way not the shortcut being proposed by the democrats.
This is a summary. More detailed information is available upon your request insha allah
May Allah guide us to see the truth as truth and to accept it
May Allah guide us to see the falsehood as falsehood and to refrain from it
2 Responses to “Voting & Democracy”
November 10, 2008
DreamlifeThings are not black and white in this world.
I think there’s a Fiqh principle: If you can’t change something in it’s entirety, then don’t totally abandon it. Do it piece by piece, step by step.
The point is that change is a long process.
Democracy is the system of the moment. It doesn’t mean we agree with it or buy into it. But it’s all there is at the moment.
Yes, we would choose Shariah – pure, proper Shariah – if we had the choice.
And that’s the system of government we want. A system which is true Islam – not corrupted by man’s misinterpretation and altering it to suit them.
But we can’t choose that at the moment – because it’s not an alternative in this country.
From what the learned tell us, there is no country in the world that truly governs by Shariah anyway – the pure and proper way it was supposed to be. (look at Saudi Arabia as an example).
Where is Shariah really and truly applied as it was in the times of the first Khalifas?
A lot of the backlash against Shariah is because the people who practice it are not doing it properly – and that means they end up committing injustice against people; like that 13 year old Somalian girl who was stoned to death last week i think – for adultery. When in fact, she was raped by a group of men, then convicted under the guise of her confessing – when she did no such thing.
Really, we need to get foreign ideologies and the immoral elements of culture out of our ways of thinking, and our ways of applying Shariah.
Islam is pure – and we need to get back to that; despite all the deception out there today.
The solution is to work on our own deen and get right in ourselves, our families, and our communities.
Allah doesn’t change the condition of a people until….what?
Until they change themselves.
With the right intention, lots of dua, and importantly, our efforts to change – Allah will change us, insha-Allah.
November 12, 2008
khalidassalaamu alaikum dreamlife
do you believe that the system of democracy is a system of shirk or not?
for everything in this world, the measure is Qur’an and Sunnah
its up to us whether we want to submit or not
wassalaamu alaikum