Once a person came to Hadhrat Ali Radhiallaho Anhu and questioned him, “What shall I gain; knowledge or wealth?” Hadhrat Ali Radhiallaho Anhu answered “Gain knowledge because it is more beneficial then gaining wealth”. The person then asked for some benefits of gaining Knowledge over wealth, Hadhrat Ali Radhiallaho Anhu replied:
. Knowledge is the inheritance of the Prophets (alayhisalaam), and wealth is the inheritance of Fir’awn (Pharaoh) and Qaroon,
. The more knowledge you gain, the more beloved you become in the eyes of people and the more wealth you gain, the more people hate you out of jealousy.
. As time passes, the value of money decreases and the value of knowledge increases,
. Wealth needs to be looked after, whereas knowledge protects you,
. You will always fear the theft of money, but knowledge cannot be stolen from the heart,
. On the Day of Judgement, Allah Taa’la will ask you two questions regarding your wealth; how it was earned and how it was spent. These are two separate questions regarding Wealth whereas one question regarding knowledge will be asked: How much you acted upon it,
. Knowledge helps you gain money but money cannot buy you knowledge,
. Excess money brings pride.